Platform for citizen, government and governance together
We offer a broad spectrum of services, including Liferay development services and solutions in e-Governance, and have attained rich expertise in delivering solutions with the highest standards of usability, flexibility, and scalability.
We have extended our expertise to the state, local, and provincial governments to tackle evolving challenges by successfully delivering citizen-centric services and values.

Market ready and faster customer acquisition

Improving Accountability and Transparency: An integrated system and must have egovernance tool for processing case files, documents, decision notes, responses with most flexible workflows and security implementation.

It provides a system for managing the plethora of information and processes behind business digitization to share, educate, and engage employees, partners, and customers, streamline their processes, and overcome their challenges.

Accuracy and operational efficiency: enterprise document management system for document scanning & imaging, digital transformation & hosting, collaboration and resource sharing, file review and revision, and workflow publication.
Working Style
Focusing on delivering enterprise solutions around Digital Experience Platforms, Big Data, machine Learning,
Business Intelligence & Analytics, Search and middleware Implementations.

Dedicated Teams
We help you set up an agile team of developers, strategists & project manager around expertise you are looking for. You are all have full control over the extent of involvement of the team.

Remote Developers
We provide dedicated developers to those who prefer direct engagement without any management layers. They work exclusively for you, in any project you wish them to be in.

Managed Projects
Our managed projects model allows you to get your projects fully handled by our team selected by you. Share your requirements & get started now!